Monday, November 25, 2013


Cyber-bullying is unwanted harassment over the internet. As read in the article " Audire Pott, Rehtaeh Parsons suicides show cyber bullying is "pervasive" and "getting worse" expert says." These two young girls were so called "slut shamed" by their friends after reporting that they had been raped by a male student. To make matters worse photos on Facebook were put up of the alleged incident with many high school students saying terrible things about the victims. These girls never asked for harassment and only confided in their friends for help but it unfortunately ended up costing them their lives.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Legal and Ethical Issues

I believe that online information should be free due to the challenge of maintaining a cost to view selected information. There will always be another website that does something for free so there really isn't a way to compete with that in the end. Open Access allows for anyone to view anything online for free while claiming no specific ownership. Copyright is legally bound by someone or some group that can sue if passed of as free or sold by someone unapproved.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Privacy and Security

Your privacy and security are two of the most important things that someone will have in their lifetime but the Internet is compromising this due to a vast amount of knowledge being told about yourself that you didn't even post online. When you post something to Facebook, twitter etc that information can be taken by anyone no matter if your face is in it. The government has date storage facilities all across the U.S monitoring what we search, what we shop for, our family pictures etc. We can put on all the privacy filters we like but eventually someone who is smart enough to hack into our photo albums and documents will have all of our knowledge on where we live, SSN etc. From the program PRISM we see how data is extracted through many search engines like google, yahoo, AOL and how social media outlets like Facebook, twitter and YouTube are all being closely monitored by the NSA to see what type of person you are. This information is then stored in an undisclosed location for an undisclosed amount of years because no one really knows how long it will be stored for since it's of little worth to anyone but maybe yourself. The debate then goes into who really owns that image because if it's on a site like Facebook then doesn't Facebook have the rights because it was uploaded to their site or does the original person who took the picture maintain his ownership of it?

Information Privacy: Changing Norms and Expectations

U.S., British intelligence mining data from nine U.S. Internet companies in broad secret program

Monday, October 28, 2013

Artificial Intelligence and Robotics

1. Can robots do what humans can? 
I personally believe that Robots can only do as much as we humans decide how to program them. Robots have the ability to make almost no errors when asked to complete a task and will always follow a command without a question. However robots can't feel or have any type of emotion so I think that is to their disadvantage compared to humans.

2. What do you think of a robotic car? 
I'm not a fan of this because I believe driving is something that should only be done by humans. We will become to dependent on this any many people in a time of malfunction of the self driven vehicle won't know how to respond properly, which will likely cause serious injury or death.

3. Who is more likely to make errors - robots or humans? 
Robots are only as smart as they humans who program them but overall humans are more likely to make errors based on times of uncertainty, forgetting a method used or simply making human error.

Driverless Cars get California License

Autonomous Robots in the Fog of War

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Creativity and Social Media

For this assignment I chose to create a Second Life Avatar because I had heard so much about the game but have never played anything quite like it. I like that you're able to fly or run because this makes gameplay much faster and allows you to go on new adventures literally. You're also able to interact with others which I didn't do but it's good for reference in the future.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Social Media

The social networking sites I'm on include Facebook, Blogger and twitter. I prefer Facebook because I have an already established group of friends on there and I feel the useability of the site is very easy to use.

Virtual worlds are sites or games in which you can create a character to be a member of a world that is separate from the actual one that we live in. I would like to be a leader in my own virtual world as someone with a high status I think would be enjoyable.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

World Wide Web

In "Google's New Director of Engineering, Ray Kurzweil, Is building your "Cybernetic Friend." It's discussed that AI will become a leading factor in not only our online searches but to help guide us around different areas of cyberspace by only having to think of a particular topic/question. This is very interesting considering AI has been around been around for quite some time yet to integrate this into the mainstream world be a huge mark for Google as they try to keep pushing for the latest and best technology. "The Cloud" is a way for Internet Sites to store information across cyberspace while being able to handle heavy amounts of traffic on a daily basis. "The Cloud Challenges Amazon," focuses on how we as consumers are so dependent on using the Internet and during peak times like the holiday rush in December can cause a crash because there is simply too much traffic and not enough space available.