Monday, November 25, 2013


Cyber-bullying is unwanted harassment over the internet. As read in the article " Audire Pott, Rehtaeh Parsons suicides show cyber bullying is "pervasive" and "getting worse" expert says." These two young girls were so called "slut shamed" by their friends after reporting that they had been raped by a male student. To make matters worse photos on Facebook were put up of the alleged incident with many high school students saying terrible things about the victims. These girls never asked for harassment and only confided in their friends for help but it unfortunately ended up costing them their lives.


  1. Its is sad to see how Cyberbullying causes people to commit suicide. It is worse than normal bullying because, the bullies can say really terrible things over the internet since they cannot be identified.

  2. What is the difference from taking a gun and shooting someone? There is no reason of costing someone's life.
